
Energization of Drinking Water Supply Schemes

Date : 21/06/2013 - 31/12/2018 | Sector: Rural and Urban Areas

Drinking Water is one of the basic needs to be provided to the needy people on top priority. In order to meet the social obligation, top priority is being accorded for energisation of Drinking Water Supply Schemes. During previous years 2001-02 to 2004-05, when the State faced severe drought conditions, there was a great demand for energisation of Drinking Water Supply Schemes. During the years 2004-05 and 2017-18, totally 94,790 Nos. of Drinking Water Supply schemes have been energized. The year wise details are as below:-

​​​Year ​Ins​tallations Enegrized
​2004-05 2383
​2005-06 ​3934
​2006-07 ​3345
​2007-08 ​3198
​2008-09 ​4821
​2009-10 ​5579
​2010-11 ​3906
​2011-12 ​5714
​2012-13 ​13472
​2013-14 ​13231
​2014-15 ​8652
​2015-16 ​6716
​2016-17 ​10875
​2017-18 8964


All citizens


Drinking Water is one of the basic needs to be provided to the needy people on top priority. In order to meet the social obligation, top priority is being accorded for energisation of Drinking Water Supply Schemes.