
Water Resource

1. Hierarchy of office :

  1. District Project Co-ordinator
  2. Assistant Executive Engineer
  3. Junior Engineer
  4. First Division Account Assistant
  5. Human Resource Specialist.
  6. Account Assistant
  7. Data Entry Operator
  8. Driver
  9. Office Attender

2. Department General Information:

Karnataka Community Based tank management project JSYS, Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha operates in India.

The Project development objective is to improve rural livelihoods and to reduce poverty by developing and strengthening community –based approaches to managing selected tank systems.  Tanks are small man made bodies of water that historically have served a wide range of village water needs across India.

 Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha (JSYS) a society registered under the societies Act of Karnataka, a state of India, shall carry out the project.

The project has taken selected existing Minor Irrigation & Zilla Panchayath tanks in Tumakuru District, Karnataka state. The project aims to demonstrate the viability of a community-based approach to tank improvement and the management by retuning the main responsibility to people on a selected basis. The successful project would provide a useful module for scaling up this innovative approach District wide. The poverty focus of the project is based on geographic targeting of taluks across the district with a high incident of poverty. Within these taluks the selection of individual ZP and MI tanks systems will be based on community demand.

The comprehensive tank development with the participation of Tank Users Groups (TUG). In 1st phase (from 2002 to 2009) out of 357 tanks proposed, 340 tanks are taken for implementation and in the 2nd phase (from 2009 to 2012) out of 119 tanks proposed 114 tanks are taken for implementation under World Bank aided fund as per world bank norms. Out of 357 tanks, in 340 tanks rejuvenation works are completed and are handed over to Tank User Groups for further maintenance. Further, the second phase out of 119 tanks in 114 tanks rejuvenation works are completed and handed over to TUG for further maintenance.

Under systematic tank development works, the activities like improvements to tank bund, waste weir, Feeder canal, repairs to sluice to plug the leakages of water from the tank and desiltation of tank bed to restore its original capacity of tank and to improve ground water level etc have taken up to reestablish and to restore the tanks to their original water storage capacity.

About 60,50,716 cum of desiltation done in about 454 tanks both 1st and 2nd phases, and this helps the recharge underground water in the open wells and bore wells in surrounding area.

The boundary trench for demarcation of tank bed has been done, in 99 tanks to protect the encroachment of tanks. The encroachment of 192 ha. has been identified in 99 tanks and encroachment evicted.

Under environment activities, reforestation in 114 tanks of 2nd phase during 2010 to 2012 about 1,24,950 local indigenous plant like Honge, Neem, Bamboo, Tamarind, Nerale, KariJali, Jathropa, Accacia etc have been planted in the foreshore of tank bed and 1,52,940 numbers of seedlings supplied to TUG farmers for plantation in the catchments of tanks resulting in minimizing erosion of soil on the catchments  and tank bed foreshore.

As per the 1st and 2nd phase programmes all (340+114) tanks rejuvenation and development works are completed as on during the year 2012-13.

3. Functioning of Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha:

The Administrative set up of the Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha consists of  State Project Unit, Headed by the Executive Director and District Project Co-ordinator’s at District level under different sections like Technical, Accounts , HRD, social, MIS,  Computer Wings and also the concerned Deputy commisioner’s are the chairman’s to this project, they will give necessary instructions time to time. The functions of the Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sanghaintend to cover to improve rural livelihood and reduce poverty by developing and strengthening community–based approaches to managing selected tank systems.

4.For smooth functioning of the Department it has the following offices:-

1.HEAD OFFICE –Executive Director, Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha, State Project Unit, No. 42 , 5th Cross, R.M.V. Extension, Sadashivanagar, Bangalore

2. District Project Units at 18 districts headed by District Project Co-ordinaotr, Tumakuru, Arasikere, Shimoga, Sikaripur, Chikkamagalur, Chitradurga, Davanagere, Chintamani, Kolar, Haveri, Hospet, Belgum, Bijapur, Bidar, Sirsi, Bagalkot, Dharawad, Raichur, 

 5. Programmes and Schemes :

This project is simply not to take up the civil works related to the tanks.  We have components such as,

  1. Gender activity like financial assistance to the self help groups (SHG) coming under the tank jurisdictions.
  2. Income Generating Activities :
  • Buffalo rearing
  • Cow rearing
  • Goat rearing
  •  Sheep rearing
  • Cock rearing
  • Kitchen Garden – Vegetable Seeds, Lemon plants, Coconut plants like that.
  1. Rehabilitation and Tribal Development programme :
  • Tarikatte – C N Halli Taluk Rs. 1,75,000/-
  • Hosakere – Madhugiri Taluk Rs. 75,000/-
  • Madaluru- Sira Taluk Rs. 1,50,000/-
  1. Agriculture :

Supply of manure and seedlings to the farmers, training programmes to the farmer and agricultural equipments etc.

  1. Fishery activities :

Supply of fish seedlings and necessary equipments etc

  1. Environment Management and etc.

Future after restoring the tanks they will be handed over to the communities who are registered a society will mobilize resources from all the components, mentioned above and thus become self sustainable institutes. We call each of such associations as Tank Management Institutes (TMI).

Further, the impact of agriculture there has been substantial improvement in enhancing the yields due to various agriculture interventions such as technology adoption etc., due to demonstration conducted in the tank villages on the following schemes. Water management demonstrations integrated pest management and integrated nutrient management, soil testing and farmer field schools to transfer technology. These demonstrations are conducted on horticulture crops, arable crops, etc. There has been diversification of crops from cereals to fruits and vegetables, there has been increase in the area under contract farming, awareness on the brand building on the lines how the corporate work. Similarly tanks have been used for fisheries activities and we have taken up the fisheries activities in the tanks and the village communities have been earning through this substantially, and the fish fingerlings are provided by us initially and their skills are also built by training.

6. Other information etc

Bangaragere, C.N.Halli Taluk. Bund turfing under JSYS

During Execution After Completion,

Bund Turfing Naduvanahalli,C N Halli Taluk

Nagalamadike Village,Pavagada Tq

 During Execution After Completion.

RCC Canal Lining to Balasamudra Tank, Pavagada Tq

Plantation on Boundary Trench, Gopalanahalli in C.N.Halli Tq

During Execution After Completion.

7. Tumakuru Head Office :

District Project Co-ordinator,

Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha,

Water Resources Department (Minor Irrigation)

District Project Unit,

No. 4, Tarunashri,

2nd Cross, Ashok Nagar,


8. Contact Details :

Office of the District Project Co-ordinator,

Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha,

Water Resources Department (Minor Irrigation)

District Project Unit,

No. 4, Tarunashri,

2nd Cross, Ashok Nagar,


Ph: 0816-2278423

Fax: 0816-2255240

District Project Co-ordinator

Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangah

District Project Unit
