
Solar Irrigation Pumpsets Scheme

Date : 01/04/2015 - 31/12/2018 | Sector: Agriculture

Solar Irrigation Pumpsets is being implemented with Rs. 1 Lakh beneficiary share for General Category and free of cost for Schedule Cast and Shedule tribe beneficiaries.

Farmers seeking new power supply connection is eligible for this scheme. Solar Irrigation Pumpsets project is being implemented in 4 phases as below:

Sl. No. Phase No. of pumps Price/Pump in lakhs No. of Taluks Covered Progress as on Mar-18
1 1st phase 1009 4.66 11 971
2 2nd Phase 1530 3.74 48 291
3 3rd phase 901 4.99  
4 4th phase 1266 ​3.29 Talukwise allotment yet to be given  
​Total​​ 4706 87.22 1262

Under Phase-1 as on Mar-18, 971 No’s of Solar Irrigation Pumpsets have been provided to the beneficiries, in this 191 No’s of Solar Pumpsets have been provided to SC/ST beneficiries. Details as below:

​Sl No ​Company ​Allotted Solar Pumpsets Installed Solar Pumpsets
​1 ​BESCOM ​234 ​224
​2 ​CESC ​150 ​131
​3 ​GESCOM ​200 ​198
​4 ​HESCOM ​425 ​418
​5 ​MESCOM ​0 ​0
​TOTAL ​1009 ​971

Under Phase-2 as on Mar-18, 291 No’s of Solar Irrigation Pumpsets have been provided to the beneficiries, in this 99 No’s of Solar Pumpsets have been provided to SC/ST beneficiries. Details as below:

Sl No ​Company ​Allotted Solar Pumpsets Installed Solar Pumpsets
​1 ​BESCOM ​410 ​71
​2 ​​CESC ​350 ​52
​3 ​GESCOM 320 ​63
​4 ​HESCOM ​450 ​105
​5 ​MESCOM ​0 ​0
​TOTAL ​1530 ​291




Uninterrupted Power Supply to the farmers