

Education Profile

Tumkur is one of the main district of Karnataka. It has become the educational hub now a days. Tumkur is divided as two Educational district. i.e. Tumkur (south) and other one is Tumkur (north) Madhugiri Educational district. Where as Tumkur (south) includes 6 taluks as Chikkanayakanahalli, Gubbi, Kunigal,Tiptur,Tumkur and Turuvekere.And Tumkur (north) Madhugiri district includes 4 taluks namely koratagere, Madhugiri, Pavagada and Sira.Tumkur(south) considered as education hub now a days. It consists 2085 Govt.Primary schools, 63 aided Primary schools, 267 unaided Primary schools and 2 kendriya vidyalaya,  and totally 2417 primary schools, there are 147 Govt. High  schools, 205 aided High schools, 123 unaided High schools, and 2 central govt. High schools in the Tumkur south dist.Tumkur north dist, there are 1291 Govt. primary, 9 aided Primary schools, 123 unaided Primary schools exists.Vice versa there are 113 Govt. high schools, 109 aided High schools, 57 unaided high schools facility available.


Compulsory Education:

According to 30th article of Indian constitution education is fundamental right to every citizen of India. With keeping this, Govt. Is providing free and compulsory education to age between 6-16 years. And class of 1-10th. Under the schemes of SARVA SHIKSHANA AHBIYANA , RASHTRIYA  MADYAMIKA  SHIKSHANA  AHBIYANA, Government is Providing Compulsory  Education.

Sarva  Shikshana Abhiyana:

SSA is a historical and remarkable step towards the achievement of universalisation of primary education with the co-operation of stage and local bodies.

Objectives and vision.

Children of age group between 6-12 year should stay in the school and ensuring the completion of prescribed level of education to that age group.

Education for life and importance given to qualitative education and providing the fundamental infrastructure to the schools.

Removal of social, gender and class bios.

Universal retention and improvement of attendance

Improving the teaching competency of teachers.

Maintaining/Monitoring the school education with the Co-Operation of community.

Introduction about the Department and Organization structure.

Universalization of primary education is a time bound event. It is a reaction shown towards the demand for the fundamental qualitative education.

Establishing an opportunity to uplift the social justice through basic education.

In Monitoring the primary schools ensuring the participation of panchayath raj’s school management committee, rural and urban slum area education societies, parent teachers associations, Maths teacher association, tribal councils and other basic level education societies are ensured.

Expression of political willingness regarding nation wide, universalisation of primary education.

Ensuring the Opportunity to all states to have their own vision regarding primary education, Departmental goals and achievements.

The Universalization of primary education is a time bound programme with equal Co-operation of state end central Governments.

Programmes and Schemes Highlights.

New schools:- Opening of new primary schools with in 1 km distance of any habitation with minimum strength of 10 children of 6-14 age group.

Upgrading the lower primary schools:-If there is no accessibility of HPS with in the radius of 3km in any habitation with an availability of upgraded and provision is made to start 6-7 classes.

Teachers grant:- Government and aided school teachers are provided with this grant, teachers should prepare the needy TLM’s with low cost raw materials for effective teaching.

In-Service Teachers training.

All Teachers Serving in primary schools are given 10 days in service training at block level and 10 days training at cluster level. Training like positive thinking 3 days residential training, 2 days training of life Skills, 3 days training of Nali-kali for the teachers who are teaching for 3rd Standard 4 days spoken English training for HM’s are given at block levels through DIET. These training are more useful in enriching subject competencies among teachers and thereby to teach effectively.

12 Months Residential Bridge Course.

For all drop-out and never enrolled children

For those children who have not attained expected competencies mainstreamed after attending 2 months Bridge course.

For those children who were never enrolled in spite of above school age and are now enrolling to schools.

These residential bridge courses centers can be run even if the strength of the children is less than minimum of 50. But the unit cost


Free Text Books:-

 Free text books are supplied to all children of 1 to 10th classes of grant-in-aid schools.


Free Uniforms:-

Free uniforms are supplied to all children of 1 to 10th classes of govt. schools.


 The Children of age group 6-14 who are identified as dropout in the child census held every year, are given Religious education in Madarasas, there is a provision to teach state syllabus by deputing school teachers to these Madarasas/Muqtabs. The unit cost per child per year is Rs.1950/-


Transport Facility.

 If there is no primary facility within the radius of 1km and Upper primary schools within radius of 3kms, the children who go to nearby schools from their habitations are give cost of transport. Each child will be given Rs.1500 for 10 months.


Work Books.

 For the children who are studying 1 to 3rd in Government schools under Nali-kali system are supplied with necessary things like learning cards, reading cards, work books, progress charts, learning materials. These are being printed at State level and distributed to all Govt school.


Inclusive  Education.

 The children with special needs of age group 6 to 14 are identified in special census and many programmes are implemented as follows

  1. Medical camps.
  2. Distribution of free aids and appliances.
  3. Home based education for severely impaired children through volunteers.
  4. One days training for parents of CWSN.
  5. Corrective surgery.
  6. Distribution of Braille kits for totally blind children.
  7. Escort allowance.
  8. Traveling allowance to the children who came to resource room at block level.
  9. Deputation of special teachers for implementation of inclusive education.
  10. Sports and cultural activities for CWSN Children.
  11. Celebration of World disable day at block level.


Libraries help to create habit of reading among children. All lower & Higher primary schools are provided with grants for purchase of library books.


Additional Class room:

Additional class rooms are built in schools based up on the ratio of availability of rooms and enrollment.


Girls Toilet.

There is a provision for building separate toilets for girls in Government schools.


HM’s room.

 In higher primary schools separate HM rooms will be built.


Fire Extinguishers.

 As every Government schools are implementation mid-day meals scheme, fire Extinguishers are supplied to every schools, to avoid fire accidents.


Major repairs:

There is a provision to get major repairs for the 10 years old buildings.


Repair and maintenance grant for LPS & HPS.

The Lower primary schools with less than 3 Class rooms are given Rs.5000/-, for LPS with 4 class rooms are given Rs.7500/- &  for LPS with 5 or more than 5 Class rooms Rs.10.000/- . For HPS with less than 3 class rooms Rs.5000, For HPS with 4 class rooms Rs.7500/- For HPS with more than or equal 5 class rooms Rs.10000/-.This grant is released to School SDMC’s. This grant is utilized for minor repairs & maintenance of toilets, drinking water etc.,


Schools grant for primary Schools.

Rs.5000 grant is given to all Govt and aided lower primary schools Rs.12000/- for Govt and aided higher primary schools and Rs.7000/- for only upper primary schools where only 6th & 7th stds are going on. This grant is released to school SDMC’s by which the schools can purchase essential things like stationeries registers etc and get their schools white washed.


Research, evaluation, monitoring and supervision.

Under this head cluster level activities like TLM mela, Metric mlea & seminars, displaying manuscripts on panel boards, co-curricular activities, quiz programme at hobli level, meetings and workshops at district level, researches, Action researches evaluations, printing of DIET manual Jnana ganga are done at DIET level. In addition to these printing of progress reports, prathibha karanji & Shikshana varthe are done at state level.


CALC – Computer Aided Learning Center.

5 Computers are installed in selected 10 HPS every year. Well prepared class wise, subject wise CD’s are supplied to each school where in they use it to impart self learning and attain maximum level of learning.

  1. Minority Children’s education
  2. Following activities are implemented for education of minority children.
  3. Awareness programmes for parents of muslim children.
  4. Awareness camps for muslim leaders.
  5. Seminars for 7th standard students.
  6. Literary & Science fairs at block level.
  7. Field study.
  8. Seminars for Teachers.
  9. Urdu library books.
  10. Education of Urban deprived children.

 Drop out children of urban area are mainstreamed and those children who have 75% of attendance and ‘B’ Grade achievement in learning will be given Rs.2000/Child/year.


 SDMC training.

 3 days residential training is given to SDMC & local body members. SSA Programmers are made known to them and SDMC’s will be able to monitor the schools.



Kasturiba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya:- This is free residential school specially run for enrolment of dropout, never enrolled, minority & below poverty line children.In pavagada there is one such KGBV school with 150 children capacity classes from 6th to 8th are held here & vocational skill development, special attention to girls education, health & all round development is given here.

 Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)  Tumkur District

 Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RSMA)is aimed at expanding and improving the standards of secondary education in classes IX  to X. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) which is the most recent initiative of Government of India to achieve the goal of universalisation of secondary education (USE).The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan program set up by the government to bring elementary education to millions of children. Which fallows  The HRD Ministry has taken note of this, and now plans to implement a secondary education scheme called Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan (RMSA) during the 11th plan


 The vision for secondary education is to make good quality education available, accessible and affordable to all young persons in the age group of 14-18 years. With this vision in mind, the following is to be achieved:


  1. To provide a secondary school within a reasonable distance of any habitation, which should be 5 km for secondary schools and 7 -10 kilometers for higher  secondary schools
  2. Ensure universal access of secondary education by 2017 (GER of 100%),
  3. Universal retention by 2020.


 In order to meet the challenge of Universalisation of Secondary Education (USE), there is a need for a paradigm shift in the conceptual design of secondary education. The guiding principles in this regard are; Universal Access, Equality and Social Justice.


  1. To ensure that all secondary schools have physical facilities, staffs and supplies at least according to the prescribed standards through financial support in case of Government/ Local Body and Government aided schools, and appropriate regulatory mechanism in the case of other schools .
  2. To ensure that no child is deprived of secondary education of satisfactory quality due to gender, socio-economic, disability and other barriers
  3. To improve quality of secondary education resulting in enhanced intellectual, social and cultural learning
  4. To ensure that all students pursuing secondary education receive education of good quality.
  5. RMSA Is for 9 and 10 std. Educational back  ward72 Blocks Provided with Adrasha Schools. And 62 Blocks Provided with Girls Hostels.
  6. Data is Generated  through U-DISE and STS   to prepare  PLAN  and  to submit to MHRD.

Interventions of RMSA at District Level. 

  1. SCHOOL GRANT-    of RS.50,000 for all Govt High Schools
  2. REPAIR GRANT-     Rs. 25000  Per.  Govt High schools for minor repairs
  3. 10TH STD  STUDENT TOUR- one day tour for 10thstd students of 133 govt. high  schools
  4. HEAD MASTER TOUR-   out of state tour for 133 govt high schools head master   for Academic and Admn  Stregthenig
  5. ECO-CLUB-      Rs. 2500for  Selected250 high schools for  science activities.
  6. LEP GRANT-      Learning Enhancement Programme for 9 that slow learner  Students
  7. KARATE :  Self defence for training for 9 std girls.
  8. IEDSS    –  Inclusive education for Disabled Students of secondary Schools.
  9. NSQF – National Skill Qualification Frame Work- Vocational education In 3 Schools.
  10. NSIGSE  –   National Scheme Incentive for Girls of Secondary Educations   empower SC/ST girls of secondary education by providing scholarship.
  11.  Trainings    -For Subject teacher and Headmasters through DIET
  12. CIVIL WORKS -Buildings For selected  48schools, 19 completed ,  15 Final Stage, In progress and 3  yet   to  be  Started.

Free Text Books:

Govt. has providing free text books to students who are all studying at 1 to 10th std at Govt. aides primary schools.

Department District Office Address. Tumakuru(S)Education District Level Officers with Designation:

Sl No

Official/Office Name




Mobile No


Sri. H K  Manamohana


Tumakuru Dist




Madhava Reddy V


Tumakuru Dist




A T Rangadasappa


Tumakuru Dist




Anantha Kumar A S


Tumakuru Dist




H M Sowbhagyamma


Tumakuru Dist




Prameela S R


Tumakuru Dist




Veena J H


Tumakuru Dist





SSA Acc Sup

Tumakuru Dist






Tumakuru Dist




Yogananda S

Est. Sup.

Tumakuru Dist




Vasanth Kumar D R

Grant in AID Sup.

Tumakuru Dist




Latha H A


Tumakuru Dist




Gopala Krishna


Tumakuru Dist



Karnataka darshana

Karnataka darshana is a unique programme of govt. For the students belongs to minorities and other backward classes