
Agricultural Marketing

1. Introduction:

Tumakuru district Deputy Director office and there under 9 A.P.M.C. they are Tumakuru, Tiptur , Gubbi, Sira, Huliyar, Pavagada, Madhugiri, Kunigal, Turuvekere.


Tumakuru Head office & other branch offices Name with complete address:



Other branch offices Complete address
1. Agriculture produce Marketing committee, Tumakuru Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD, Batawadi, Tumakuru- 572 103
2. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Tiptur-572 201

3. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Gubbi-572 216

4. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Turuvekere-572 227

5. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Huliyar-572 218

6. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Kunigal-572 130

7. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Sira-572 137

8. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Madhugiri- 572 132

9. Agriculture produce Marketing committee,


Secretary, A.P.M.C. YARD,

Pavagada- 561 202


2. Contact details (Office Name, Designation & Landline no.)

Office of the Deputy Director,

Agricultural Marketing Department,

New Mandipet, 2nd Cross, Tumakuru.

Telephone No. 0816-2278490


3. Department  General  information (About the department, objective, vision)


Tumakuru District 1 Deputy Director office and 9 APMC

Agriculture Marketing Department, New Mandipet, 2nd cross, Tumakuru.




Officer Name and Designation

Office name and address


Mobile No


Dr.B. Rajanna

Deputy Director


Fax No.2278490



Programmes & Scheme

Raitha Sanjivini Yojane

The Karnataka State Agricultural Marketing Board is implementing “Raitha Sanjeevini” Accidental Insurance Scheme for the benefit of all the Agriculturist of Karnataka. If a farmer or his family members in the age group of 15 to 80 dies while performing the agricultural operations or selling agricultural & horticultural commodities in the market yards etc., a compensation of Rs.75,000 is sanctioned. If a farmer become handicapped due to accident, then depending upon the seriousness of the injury he is sanctioned a compensation of Rs.15,000. The farmer need not pay any premium towards the scheme.

Admana sala yojane

This scheme is in force since 1994-95 in 132 markets of the State.Loans up to Rs.2,00,000-00 or 60% of the value of the agricultural produce may be paid to the farmers against the pledge of their agricultural produce. The period of advance shall not exceed 180 days from the date of pledging of the produce. No interest shall be charged for the first 90 days from the date of disbursement of the advance and there after interest shall be charged at the following rates-




Rate of Interest


Up to Rs.25,000

4% Per annum


Rs. 25,000/- and above but below Rs.50,000/-

6% Per annum


Rs.50,000/- and above but below Rs.1.00 lakh

8% Per annum


Rs.1.00 lakh and above but below Rs.2.00 lakhs

10% Per annum


The market committee will take adequate steps to safeguard the pledged produce against fire, theft and such other risks, and arrange for periodical fumigation at the cost of the market committee.

The market committee may also except ware house receipts issued to a produce-seller by the Karnataka State Ware Housing Corporation or Central Ware Housing Corporation or such other co-operative societies as notified by Director of Agricultural Marketing from time to time and grant short term advance on the pledge of such receipt.


Support price scheme

To help the farmers from distress sale, Floor Price Scheme has been formulated. Government will declare Minimum Support Price and arrange for procurement of the same. For the purpose, Revolving Fund has been set up. Market committees in the State contribute 0.5% of the market fee collected every month. The KSAMB will manage the fund. The scheme is first of its kind in the country and many States are evincing keen interest to adopt the same in respective States for the benefit of farming community.


Janashree Vima Yojane

The Karnataka State Agricultural Marketing Board is implementing Janashree Insurance Scheme for the benefit of 12,980 hamals, cartsmen and weighmen working in 145 APMCs.  Every ‘Shramik’ who wants to be a member of the said scheme has to contribute a premium of Rs.60 per annum. The Board on behalf of every ‘Shramik’ contributes Rs.40 annually. The Government of India under the Social Security Scheme releases Rs.100 per person registered under this scheme to LIC.  The Scheme is in force from 01-10-2000. Under this Scheme if a person dies naturally he gets a compensation of Rs.30,000. If the death is due to accident then the compensation to be paid is Rs.75,000. I n addition to this, the Government of India pay scholarship to two students of 9th to 12th standard in a family of the insurer and they get a sum of Rs.600/- per quarter.


Hamals Housing Scheme

The Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporations has also come forward to construct houses for licensed hamals working in the APMCs of Karnataka. As many as 5000 hamals have been covered under this scheme. So far 808 working hamals have been identified as beneficiaries. The total cost of house is Rs.40,000/-. The State Government sanctions a subsidy of RS.10,000 for each house. So far Rs.80.80 lakhs has been released. The licensed hamal has to contribute Rs.5,000. The balance amount of Rs.25,000 will be sanctioned as loan by Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation. This amount is to be repaid by the licensed hamal in 15 years at the rate of Rs.297 per month. The scheme has been financed and is under implementation.


Facilities/Services provided by the department & procedure to get facilities/services.

In all APMC main market yard and Sub marketyard provided the drinking water, water, godowns, rural godowans, gramina samparka rasthe, road, street lights, toilets for both, community bathrooms, action platform,closed platform, drying platform, sanitaries, electronic weighing scheale, sheep and goat pens, ticker board, s.m.s., daily rates,, plasma tv , rates board, e-tender, e-trading, online trading and online payment, raith bazaar, all apmc rating.


Other information

Karnataka Government Newly Online Trading Project

Market Platform: The Karnataka Government Newly introducing online trading system all APMC market yard stage by stage online trading improvement.

Tiptur APMC newly coconut technology park( land are not available for coconut technology park apmc secretary wrote the letter to government) flower and vegetable market(work has completed) coconut processing unit,(civil work already completed, electrification work quotation called, and it is under progress).


Deputy Director

Agriculture Marketing Department

Tumakuru Dist, Tumakuru.